Im Themenbereich Derivate bieten wir derzeit folgende in-house Seminare an:
- Advanced bonds, swaps and other fixed income applications
- Asset and liability management
- Currency derivatives
- Currency, interest rate and equity and commodity options
- Futures, options and structured products
- How the financial markets work
- Interest rate derivatives and risk management
- Interest rate, currency and credit default swaps
- Introduction to exotic options
- Derivatives pricing
- Dynamic option trading
- Pricing and valuing derivative instruments
- Structured deposits
- Structured products
- Term-structure of interest rates and yield curve construction
- Wholesale banking
Zusätzlich zu diesen zur Zeit begehrten Themen entwickeln wir auch individuelle Seminare für Ihre konkreten Lernbedürfnisse. Angepasste firmen-interne Seminare sind ab etwa vier TeilnehmerInnen kosteneffizient.
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